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New Phantom 3 App Turns off midflight

Here's something to get excited about! When you unpack your Phantom 3 and start using it ... at 33% power, the app will just turn off! Not just once or intermittently, but everytime!

Exciting hey!? How do they release units with these kinds of problems? So what happens exactly? Well in our experience, you fly around until the unit gets down to 33% and then the app just turns off mid flight and reboots! This can be a just a bit scary to say the least it you are in the middle of a trick or remote flight.

But it will reboot! If you just click on OK and wait, the app will re-boot and load up again. The Phantom 3 during this time is still controllable (even though you may not be able to see it) or will stay in it's current position until the app returns to operation. If the camera was recording, this will continue also.

So in short, it's just annoying unless you are a mile away and the 33% is line ball for coming home!!! Phantom 3 problems and trouble shooting is so much fun!

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