A few Nigel Facts.
Quite a few subscribers and interested people have asked us the following question ...
"why did you edit & post Nigels Nude Girl Story on YouTube & this web site, which is mainly dedicated to more serious DJI Phantom topics?" (Also see uncensored & interview)
Well its simple really! To help pay for it!
It's the same reason we have GREAT BIG STUPID ADs >>
plastered all over this web site!
How do you fund or make any money from a normal hobby based YouTube or web site?
Forget what you read from the select few!
That's like asking a movie star if everyone gets a go?
It's difficult! It's a free world out there, in so many ways!
When we first launched the "Flight of the Phantom" channel in mid 2014, it became very popular very fast. By December 2014, we were dedicated to our subscribers almost fulltime, but it was generating about $650 a year from advertising!
So the question was raised, how do we make a free web site and YouTube channel for everyone to enjoy, but self fund it and survive financially?
It's pretty hard to survive & keep making intelligent videos or provide content for $12.50 a week!
We could switch on YouTube "fan funding" (which will gradually become the norm' in You Tube), but do people really want to pay? Or will they just stop watching or go somewhere else?
The video segments were being recieved really well and the quality of subscribers was excellent, however, we were getting continually knocked off the perch by ridiculous videos that featured nothing but garbage!
Video's like "boy gets bashed in subway" or "man shoots drone with a gun". Then when you get to the video it's absolute crap, but is still scoring 2 million views in a fortnight! How do you compete with this?
Meanwhile, we are spending days researching information and trying to produce good videos, but only getting 300 views a week and 20 or 30 subscribers a week at best.
Many channels and web sites are funded by retail sales or sponsorship, but this was not our prefered direction, as it added politics to the good / bad discussions. We wanted to just produce useful, good honest tips & tricks for quadcopter users, that the manufacturers and retailers don't always want to discuss.
So we decided to try a little experiment ...
We created the "Nigel Experiment" to see what would happen and gauge the reponses from the YouTube audience and our own subscribers?
Once launched, the new video clip had around a million views very quickly and our subscriber base went up by 25 people a day!
At this point in time, we stopped making videos for a few months to assess, process and really think about what we had just learned and future direction.
It was an interesting experiment, that showed us one way to attract our audience "male drone enthusiasts" was to give them what they wanted (or hated!) Either way ... You're here!
Boobs, Babes, Drones + throw in a bit of Naughty
(Does that describe most guys?)
We were very careful not to cross the line with nudity or safety, as we consider our fan & subscriber base fairly intelligent (Well the ones we want anyway!)
It doesn't mean that the $$ suddenly sky rocketed, in fact videos such as Nigel arent of great interest to most advertisers, but what it did do, is give us a larger subscription base to start sharing good information with.
So in short, Nigel has allowed us to re-think the way forward strategically and at a serious content level and plan some funding options, so we can keep the web site free for you & everyone! We begin producing new videos again mid 2015.
We will be publishing useful & credible tips on how to make money from youtube & your drones, so please subscribe (for free) to the Creatives' Zone if you are interested in following this kind of information.
So the big questions ...
Was the nude girl in the Nigel You Tube video a set up?
Was she really laughing through the whole thing?
Is Nigel the drone pilot really a great bloke?
The answer is of course ... "yes" to all of these.
And we left professional mistakes everywhere to keep the thinkers thinking!
The girl featured in this Drone clip actually features in her own nude R Rated Rap Song? Watch Now!