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Is the Phantom 3 Camera Better Quality?

We took delivery of our Phantom 3 recently and have started doing tests on the quality of the new Phantom camera that DJI are raving about. Well... here it is! It does look better, but not as good as we had hoped?

We will post a full comparison between the Phantom 2 vs Phantom 3 soon, but here's a brief run down so far on the cameras!

The image quality is not that much different!

There's no doubting that that there's less noise (artifacting) in the image when enlarged, but the actual quality is not that much different to the Phantom 2 when you blow them up and compare side by side. I guess after all the P2 does actually boast more mega pixels (14)!? It also has bad wide angle lens distortion moving out to the edges of the image. This was also an issue on the Phantom 2, but on the Phantom 3 its the lower left, not the upper left!

3 really nice things though, are that the horizon is now straight which is great for video camera work and also you have quick and easy control over exposures which was a big failing of the Phantom 2 camera in lighting conditions with patchy light sources or big expanses of darkness (like water). It's also nice having a faster responding gimble control.

So do you trade in your P2 for a P3? Well I guess if you sell pictures for a living, it's probably worth the upgrade, but dont expect to be blown away by the actual quality. (But less noise is sensational) I can't help but feel the Phantom 4 will probably leave these ones for dead, given the current progress of lightweight cameras!

Anyway, this is just a quick heads up and we will post the full report soon!

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